
We work with a global pool of disruptive & multi-disciplinary consultants, entrepreneurs, creatives, visionaries & development pioneers.

For every partnership, we match a unique team of dynamic consultants with the needed skills and mindset of the assignment to provide you with the greatest experience and impact.

Areas of expertise

  • Innovation

    Do you need support with an innovation sprint, incubator or accelerator? Or do you need support in creating an innovation fund, strategy or culture in your organisation? We support you throughout.

  • Power & Localization

    We guide you to bring visible and hidden power dynamics within your organization, partnership or project to the surface and re-distribute power dynamics to become more equal. From shift the power to localization.

  • Digitalisation

    As the use of technology – from mobile phones and tablets to computers and UAVs – increases globally, so does their use in international development. Using the Principles for Digital Development as our guidance we support practitioners succeed in applying digital technologies to development programs.

  • Impact evaluation & management

    We create concrete insight into your results. . From PMEL (planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning) systems, baselines/midterms/endlines, to impact strategy development. We help you draw lessons from the past, learn from their effects on the present and make decisions for the future.

  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

    Leaders need new skills to enable equity and inclusion in the workplace. And organizations need scalable ways to ensure that their diversity and inclusion initiatives avoid common mistakes. We support you to bring diversity, equity and inclusion to life on the work floor.

  • Leadership & Inner Development Goals

    Leadership & Inner Development Goals

    To steward the trajectory of our world on a better course Inner development is key. We provide you with a framework of skills and qualities that individuals and organizations need to develop to successfully work with complex societal issues. .

  • Youth Engagement

    Do you work with young people and are you wondering how to meaningfully involve young people in your work? We support organisations in creating an enabling environment for young people to thrive both in organisations and programming.

  • Systems change

    Gain a lens to see the world through the nature of systems and increase your personal agency to influence the systems you are part of.

  • Business modeling

    We guide you in the development of new, unique business concepts supporting your organization's financial viability, including its mission, and the processes for bringing your concepts to fruition.

  • Adaptive management

    Development is not linear but complex, Development is not linear but complex and uncertain. Instead of relying on blueprints and predefined solutions, we provide a more open-minded approach to how change happens that is tailored to contextual realities on the ground and anchored in deliberate testing, experimentation, adaptation and learning.

  • Investment case building

    Are you looking to increase and diversify your income streams or partnerships? We guide you to build an investment that explains why a potential investor (sponsor, donor, partner) should invest in your organization or your project.

Services offered

  • Business Modeling & Strategy Design

    We guide you in the development of new, unique concepts supporting an organization's financial viability and disruptive organizational strategies, including its mission, and the processes for bringing those concepts to fruition, preparing organizations to become future-ready and achieve sustainable impact.

  • Learning experiences

    We move beyond traditional learning. We create learning experiences that combine elements of education, training and development, , cognitive psychology, experiential learning, educational sciences and neuroscience.

  • Co-creation Projects

    We provide services along the development continuum of products, projects and programs. Our toolbox includes the most disruptive methodologies: human-centered design, lean impact, agile development, behavioral science and strategic planning.



Disrupt Academy

Our Academy is home to such courses as the Crash Course: Organizational Activism.